Tuesday, April 26, 2016

*UPDATE* Inworld Store Closing


Due to things beyond my control, the inworld store is closed. I will say this... anyone who has rental property in SL, be warned to NOT pay your rent up months in advance. Because, at any time, you could receive a notecard saying your landlord has bailed with all your parcel rent in his pocket and left without paying LL the tier payments on the land where you reside. This has happened to me and several of my friends who also had land with this company. This was a company that I had been with on and off for 4 years, I trusted them.

I do not make enough from inworld sales to recover the 2 months worth of rent that I paid in advance to this scammer. So, I will continue with my store on the Marketplace and will not seek to find another parcel to move my inworld store to. Thanks for everyone who stopped by Pretty Please while it was open. I have been lucky to make alot of new friends! And I appreciate everyone's encouragement. - Lamira